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Ashley VanMeter Physical Therapist , NeuroRestorative Kentucky

Ashley acts as a role model for the people we serve and coworkers, alike. She brings a positive attitude to the workplace and is helpful to her therapy team. She is always willing to assist with  covering a treatment session for a sick coworker  and share her caseload if a peer is low. She is truly the definition of a “team player” and contributes to a cohesive physical therapy team. Ashley demonstrates integrity by consistently acknowledging the efforts of her peers and the people we serve. She compliments individuals when they are compliant with their home exercise programs or behavior tracker, which helps her to achieve better individual outcomes. Similarly, she acknowledges and thanks her coworkers for their contributions to the workplace, which results in meaningful professional relationships. Lastly, Ashley holds herself accountable at all times and is a very dependable employee. She arrives to the office on time and prepared to work. She thinks quickly on her feet to make schedule changes as needed and is flexible while maintaining composure, which is an important quality to have when working in healthcare.