NeuroRestorative Helps Keith Bender get Back to Work
Keith Bender, 56, has lived a pretty active life as an electrical project manager and father. Unfortunately, Keith has suffered autoimmune challenges but never had anything life-threatening. However, in 2018, Keith had the OMICRON COVID-19 virus, which caused his autoimmune system to break down, causing him to experience stroke-like symptoms due to two lesions on his brain. Keith was in the hospital for a week when Angela Yates, Clinical Liaison, talked with Keith about NeuroRestorative’s support and services for individuals who’ve experienced a brain injury.
When Keith came to our San Antonio day program, he could not move his left arm/hand, so he worked on physical, occupational, and cognitive therapy and counseling therapy. Keith worked every day on daily life skills, vocational skills, fine motor skills, and relaxation by taking yoga classes. “It was the best choice I’ve ever made by coming to NeuroRestorative. All of the therapies mesh well together, and it was motivating to work alongside other people who are going through a similar situation,” said Keith.
After 40 days in the program, Keith can use his left arm/hand. He is now home and back to work. He advocates for brain injury and raises awareness for families and individuals who are going through similar situations. “Some people don’t know their options after leaving a hospital,” said Keith. “NeuroRestorative gives you tools to build bridges in your rehabilitation, and it works! I am a living testament to that. I am very thankful.”
Angela Yates, Clinical Liaison, helps individuals like Keith learn about the tools NeuroRestorative can provide to help them become more independent. “Keith has a way of sharing his experience and making others feel comfortable and motivated to push through when it is not easy. Keith and I went back to the hospital where his speech therapist referred NeuroRestorative as the next step,” said Angela. “He told his story and thanked all his therapists at both facilities. It was a special moment and a true testimony of the power of one’s perseverance, dedication, and belief in our program.”