Our Team Helps Caleb to Become More Comfortable in His Daily Activities
Caleb came to our NeuroRestorative Sarasota residential program in April 2022 and returned home in October 2022. When Caleb joined our program, he worked with our many team members, including occupational therapists, behavioral therapists, nurses, and direct support professionals. His individualized care plan included working with our team to increase his tolerance level in the community and with his family. Caleb is nonverbal and has challenges when it comes to expressing his needs. Our team used a PECS communication system, which entailed different pictures, icons, and everyday needs to help Caleb express his feelings, needs, appetite, mood, and more.
Kelvin Virden, Life Skills Trainer, spent the most time with Caleb and was able to provide Caleb comfort and friendship. “Once Caleb trusted me, we could do more activities like go on walks and to the pool. I enjoyed working with Caleb. He was my buddy. He would wait for me to arrive for the day and would be excited to see me. I’m happy I was able to help him in a special way,” said Kelvin.
Alison Price, Behavioral Technician, worked daily with Caleb on his well-being. Alison assisted with providing Caleb the tools he needed for day-to-day activities, monitored his progress, and communicated any necessary adjustments to his care plan. “Caleb’s progress was a team effort. Over the course of working with Caleb, I noticed how tolerant he became in his routines. He was much calmer and more content with daily activities,” said Alison.
Caleb, now 21, lives with his father in Florida. As Caleb’s caregiver, they spend a lot of time together. Before Caleb went home, our team worked with Mr. Anderson to make sure the transition to home went as smoothly as possible.