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Meet Melissa Weitekamp, Marketing Evaluation Specialist, NeuroRestorative Arkansas

Please help to welcome Melissa Weitekamp, Marketing Evaluation Specialist, for NeuroRestorative’s Arkansas program. Melissa has over 10 years experience working with individuals with disabilities. She is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and has worked within vocational rehabilitation counseling and case management. Melissa also has experience working in program development for brain injury programs in various states.

“I am thrilled to return to working for NeuroRestorative Arkansas as a Clinical Evaluator, and I am excited to continue to help program individuals regain their own sense of purpose after an injury,” said Melissa.

About NeuroRestorative Arkansas
NeuroRestorative’s Arkansas program offers a continuum of community-based, inpatient treatment and supported living programs for children and adults with brain injury and other neurological challenges. We offer an array of therapeutic services based on each program individual’s plan of care: speech-language pathology, specialized education, counseling, behavioral therapy and so much more.

NeuroRestorative Arkansas provides a peaceful, rural environment well-suited to post-acute brain injury rehabilitation. Our beautiful facility provides cutting-edge treatment in natural home settings with the appropriate levels of supervision, supports and activities for each individual.
For more information on programs and services, please call 800-743-6802.
