
“To Whom It May Concern:
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am for the treatment and support my husband received at NeuroRestorative in Tyler, Texas.
My husband, Chase, was admitted to NeuroRestorative one week after his injury.
The first few days he was very defiant and not very cooperative with anyone. I felt I had made a big mistake and maybe he was not ready for this type of rehab. The staff assured me he would be ok and to give him more time.
They were right, once Chase realized they were there to help him succeed, he really excelled. Chase made progress very quickly.
The atmosphere at the facility was very welcoming. Chase and 1 have a 22-month old son. It was great to be able to bring our son to visit his dad. They were both missing each other, so the visits really helped both of them.
I could not have been happier with the support and treatment Chase received. After four weeks on the in-patient program, he was moved to the outpatient program. I am so happy to say after five more weeks on the outpatient program he was discharged back to home and work. Chase was able to return to his job without any restrictions.
The Staff at NeuroRestorative gave my husband the resources and tools he needed to get his life back to normal. When Chase was admitted, I was told he ranked about a 4 on the RANCHO scale and was discharged at a 9.
We will always have a special place in our hearts for the all of the staff at NeuroRestorative. There was no greater Christmas gift than to have Chase home and back to work. Thanks again for the great service you provide.
God Bless –
Frankston, Texas”