Enjoying Winter Sports? Be Safe This Winter by Following a Few Tips

In March, we honor Brain Injury Awareness Month. We want to remind you to be safe while enjoying winter sports this season. Did you know that roughly 1.6-3.8 million TBIs are seen in sports and recreation each year in the United States? Skiing and snowboarding have a high number of head and neck injuries every year. If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms after an injury, please seek immediate medical attention. If you have experienced a TBI and need rehabilitation support, please give us a call at 800-743-6802.
Below are a few tips, signs and symptoms to note from Mel Glenn, MD, National Medical Director
Concussion Signs and Symptoms:
• Appearing to be dazed or stunned and answering slowly
• Not able to recall prior events/confusion
• Loss of consciousness
Post-Concussion Signs and Symptoms:
Headache, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, memory problems, bothered by light and/or noise, and fatigue.
• Wear appropriate protective gear—especially a helmet
• Bring a cell phone and friend or family member
• Be informed about current weather conditions
• Hydrate throughout the day and stop when necessary
• Stay on marked trails