NeuroRestorative Helps Ace Live a Happier, Healthier Life
Ace, 19, has been part of the NeuroRestorative family for almost three years. After having difficulty in a public school, Ace turned to NeuroRestorative to provide him with a therapeutic specialized environment to help him succeed at a pace that was influential to him. “NeuroRestorative has helped me with my family home life, volunteering, and my career path,” said Ace. “NeuroRestorative has also given me a better home life.”
Ace attends our NeuroRestorative Academy on Mondays and Wednesdays and school outings/volunteer opportunities in the community on Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he works at a local restaurant, helping prepare food, which he really enjoys.
Ace is involved in various classroom classes, including science and math, but also counseling and life skill training to help with his mental and behavioral challenges, which have helped him tremendously outside and inside of the classroom. “Ace is very supportive and kind,” said Camelia Botez, Program Director. “He is always helping everyone around him.”
When asked what advice he would give to someone who is struggling with mental health he replied, “There’s always going to be people that support you. You have to look out and find them. Laughter is the best medicine,” said Ace.
On the weekends, he enjoys spending time with his cat, Chester, and his nephew, with whom he shares a strong connection with due to having similar challenges with communication, thinking, and mannerisms. He is looking forward to his future and career outside of NeuroRestorative. For questions about our programs, please call 800-743-6802.