Like other challenges resulting from brain injury left sided neglect—a form of attention deficit—can improve with proper education, treatment and training strategies. Learn more about the symptoms of left sided neglect from Katy Koloski, Occupational Therapist, and steps individuals and families can take to increase awareness and improve overall body functioning.
Many individuals with brain injury commonly report problems with balance. Hear from one of NeuroRestorative's physical therapists Lisa Chapman, on the importance of balance for brain injury survivors and integrated treatment options that combine physical exercises with cognitive therapies to help individuals maintain balance.
Hear from Dr. Frank Lewis, PhD on the symptoms and causes of depression following a brain injury. Dr. Lewis, a cognitive psychologist and NeuroRestorative's Director of Clinical Outcomes, provides advice to family members and treatment options to help individuals cope with depression and continue to heal from their injury.
Following a brain injury, the deeply embedded and long-term memories usually remain intact while short-term memory may significantly affected. Learn about the three memory system areas and strategies that can help a survivor improve their memory from NeuroRestorative's Tori Harding.
In this video NeuroRestorative's Dr. Gordon Horn explains the cognitive, emotional and social components that impact personality. As a neuropsychologist, Dr. Horn works with individuals and families to evaluate, stabilize, and optimize personality changes so individuals can continue their rehabilitative progress.